Terms and Conditions

  1. The agreed fee includes:
  • All consultation times at my residence or a place to be agreed.
  • Your Ceremony Package which includes the format and relevant information.
  • Personally written ceremony and vows of your choice.
  • Presentation Marriage/Commitment Certificate.
  • Completion of all legal required paper work.
  • All time and travelling cost on the day of ceremony (within 80km return trip).
  • Telephone, Mailing Faxing Cost.
  • Celebrants Mipro P.A. system for use at larger ceremonies.
  • Rehearsal at mutually convenient location and time. Usually 24hours prior.
  • Hair and Makeup touch ups at conclusion of the Ceremony. (if booked this service also)
  1. A non refundable booking fee of $200 is required to secure your booking includes:
  • Lodgement of your Notice of Intended Marriage.
  • Initial consultation to discuss your ceremony requirements.
  • Ceremony Manual.
  • Work performed to the date of signing this agreement.
  1. The Fee for Services does not include:
  • Parking fees.
  • Travel costs when the ceremony is in excess of 80km return trip.
  • Legal letters for Immigration, Departments of Foreign Affairs, Court House


  1. The Balance of your account is due and must be paid no later than two (2) weeks prior to the ceremony or at the rehearsal whichever is the earlier. 
  1. In the event of cancellation of the ceremony less than ninety (90) days prior to the agreed date there will be no refund of monies. 
  1. Our choices are to be made from the Ceremony Manual no less than two (2) weeks prior to the ceremony. If no ceremony format is agreed by you by that time, I will provide a suitable format. 
  1. There is an expectation that the ceremony will commence at the agreed time. In the event that the ceremony is delayed by more than 45 minutes of the agreed starting time of: I will reserve the right to proceed to my next commitment.  I will return at a later time when I have completed my other engagements, to solemnise or conduct your ceremony. Also, In the event of an unforeseen circumstance that precludes me from carrying out the ceremony as planned, a suitable authorised Celebrant will be located and you will be advised accordingly.
  1. Any venue or time change must be discussed by me, as this will impact my planned schedule on the day and some changes regarding time/venue will not be able to be made.